About Us
We are a UK-based company specialising in the development of operational security products ranging from high performance network data processing to small, low power data recorders.
We provide commissioned product development services, including design, prototyping, manufacturing and support to the international law enforcement and national security communities. We are also developing the next generation of data record and egress products based on a modular architecture, providing customers with the ability to tailor products to meet operational requirements.
With over 30 years of combined experience working within these communities, the leadership team are passionate about rapid and cost effective development of technical solutions to address the most challenging of operational scenarios.
Successful Collaborations
Deep Secure are a high-tech IT security company specialising in Content Threat Removal within data travelling into and out of an organisation or network.
In June 2016, Deep Secure commissioned Atlantic Technology to develop a hardware-based, high-speed data verifier, allowing data streams to be analysed and forwarded or blocked at Gigabit Ethernet line speeds.
The High Speed Verifier was developed over a period of four months, which included development of high-speed data validation firmware, creation of a 1U branded enclosure, design and manufacture of a status output PCB, compliance testing and delivery of five units to Deep Secure.
Garrison Technology is a start-up company developing a revolutionary new cyber security product.
Garrison requested assistance from Atlantic Technology to develop two new demonstration units to showcase their capability at trade shows and other customer events.
Units included multiple single board computers and bespoke Garrison electronics running on separate low, high and management networks, integrated into a fully customised aluminium enclosure.
Timescales were incredibly tight, with the design, manufacture, test and delivery of the first unit taking place in under one month!
KOKO Networks is an exciting new start-up company based in Nairobi, Kenya. They are currently developing a new clean household cooking system, with fuel distribution through a network of cloud-connected KOKOpoints.
KOKO Networks requested design review and technical assurance services from Atlantic Technology during the design and manufacture of KOKOpoint printed circuit boards (PCBs). In addition to this, Atlantic Technology have also provided manufacture and test services to allow the PCBs to be built in the UK.
PCBs have been produced in low volumes for field-testing and the first phase of commercial deployment, with plans to ramp up to higher volume production in 2018.
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